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Showing posts from November, 2018


I'm finding the discipline of drawing everyday so beneficial ; I look forward to the time when I can settle down and do it.. And I  can see growth. The first one is of my supper and the second a dead bird I found in the woods. #adelefoucheart

Exercise 1: Part 2

Temporary Drawing. Can I draw then with my shadow , I wondered. I guess I could - technically I captured the image with my cell phone - but only for the sake of this reference. I "drew" myself on the tarmac, and the shapes were gorgeous, elongated and bold, the lamppost came along to play. Fleeting though, as the sun soon disappeared - it was worth the strange looks I got from the Chinese residents.

Exercise 1: Temporary Drawing: Part 1

My first attempt is a drawing which I did with my cell phone of this tree etched against the sky. I filmed it moving the camera up and down on  a time lapse setting. Unfortunately the video wont load here but it did teach me to look in a different way - I enjoyed the black, sketchy almost charcoal like marks the rapid movement with the camera made. Is it drawing? I wondered about this... see - the shape became swift and distorted and almost fluid-like. It made me think about time lapse in general and how we see the world as solid only because it is slow. Speeded up all would be a blur of light and energy, movement. No definite lines and then, even faster maybe only that - a line. Kinda circular and meaningless really, but I am getting beyond myself now! The second is found leaves twigs and sand. I loved that it reflected texture, nature, I also loved being able to walk away from it and know that it would be gone tomorrow - it was freeing. I wouldnt be able to look at it again and


This is my blog this blog is a blog for a log a log of my journey my process and my work an artbloglog.